I have had a HUGE hankering for lemonade these last few months. I blame pregnancy as I have never had cravings before for this sweet and tarty drink. Of course, it can be hard to find FODMAP safe beverages out that doesn’t use hidden FODMAP triggers like agave syrup in the ingredients. There is a restaurant on the same street that we live on that first got me hooked on strawberry lemonade. It’s such a refreshing version from the classic drink and I thought instead of spending $7 (expense if you ask me!) on 1 drink, I can make an entire pitcher to last a few days.
January 2, 2019 -
August 22, 2018 -
All Fodmap Recipes/ Fodmap Beverages/ fodmap breakfast recipes/ Fodmap Desserts/ Fodmap SnacksJuly 31, 2017
Chocolate Strawberry Smoothie
All Fodmap Recipes/ Featured/ Fodmap Beverages/ fodmap breakfast recipes/ Fodmap SnacksSeptember 23, 2016
Green Smoothie Popsicles