Onyx Founder of Casa De Sante Interview | Fit Fab FODMAP

Interview with Dr. Onyx Adegbola, founder of Casa de Sante

Hi Onyx!  You have an incredible background in the medical world being trained at John Hopkins University of Medicine, Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania.  Have you always had an interest in using food as medicine?

Based on my background, I started off being very interested in developing drugs to cure disease and I worked as an executive in the healthcare industry for a while. That gave me a unique perspective into the limitations of drugs, and with the birth of my triplets, I became more mindful of what I put in my body and more interested in food as medicine

When did you first hear about the FODMAP diet?  What made you want to try the diet out on your own family?

One of my siblings had IBS and was very successful with the low FODMAP diet

After seeing the positive experience of being on the FODMAP diet, why did you decide to start your own business?

Though 70% of people with IBS get relief from the low FODMAP Diet, it can be difficult in following the low FODMAP diet because of the stress and time of finding low FODMAP products in the grocery store. I started Casa de Sante to develop low FODMAP Certified products so that people on the low FODMAP diet can eat with confidence.

What is one of your favorite stories of helping others through your products?

There are so many of them, it’s hard to pick just a few. I am always thrilled and humbled by the many comments and emails from customers whose lives have literally been changed by our products. These are the reasons I went into medicine in the first place.

What are your some of your favorite Casa De Sante products?

I think all our products are great. The clean label and pure taste exemplify what I look for when I go grocery shopping for my family

Do you have a favorite quote or motto?

Carpe Diem! Seize the day!

If you could pick 3 dinner guests, dead or alive, who would they be?

Alexandre Dumas, Emily Dickinson, Ivanka Trump

Casa De Sante FODMAP Products

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