FODMAP Brand Spotlight – FODY Foods

Steven Singer, CEO and founder of FODY Foods

Hi Steven!  Thank you for taking the time to let us get to know you and FODY Foods better.  I love exposing the FODMAP community with FODMAP brands that are available in the U.S.

You have experience with gluten-free products through your past experience as co-founder of Glutino.  Was this where you first heard about the FODMAP diet?

“Yeah, it was toward the end of my time with Glutino. A piece of paper on the Low FODMAP had come across my desk – it was all based in Australia back then, but I kept thinking ‘there must be something there’. I knew I had to find out as much about it as I could, so I reached out to anyone I could find.”

I was recently in Europe and was blown away by the allergy friendly products available in grocery stores.  I find it so frustrating that this variety is not the same here in the United States.  Is this one of the reasons for founding FODY foods?

“Yes, exactly! There’s a lot going on abroad that hasn’t yet made it here to the states. 1 in 7 people suffer from IBS in the states. This is exactly why Fody was born.”

What was one of your biggest challenges starting a company focused on the FODMAP diet?

“There were a lot of challenges we faced getting Fody off the ground, but the biggest hurdle we faced – and still continue to – is education. So many consumers aren’t aware of the diet and how it can benefit them.

Research and Development was another challenge. We needed Fody to meet the standards of the Low FODMAP diet, but we also needed it to taste great.

We actually took a survey to find the foods people missed the most. This helped influence our initial product offering the most and is why our first round of products included Pasta Sauce, Salsa, and Ketchup.”

I can imagine FODY Foods has helped thousands of people find food options that they can feel confident will not upset their gut.  What is one of your favorite customer stories you have heard?

“We’ve received a lot of emotional tutorials. Fody has already helped so many people whether they were struggling to find convenient food options at home, school, or work. We once had a customer say she was going to get a tattoo of our logo because she was so happy to have ketchup in her life again! It feels really good to be building a brand that’s helping people.”

I know this is a hard question but if you had to pick 1 favorite FODY product, what would it be? My personal favorite is the BBQ sauce!  Before FODY’s version, I hadn’t had bbq sauce in years and being from Texas, that’s almost illegal! Ha!

‘It’s a tough call because I really love the salsa, but I’ve got to say the Dark Chocolate, Nuts & Sea Salt Bars.”

Do you have a favorite quote or motto?

“I hate to lose more than I like to win.” – Jimmy Connors

“Go where the puck is going, not where it’s been” – Wayne Gretzky

If you could pick 3 dinner guests, dead or alive, who would they be?

  1. Andrea Bocelli
  2. Larry David
  3. Steve Jobs
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