One of the most popular questions I get asked is how to prepare for a trip while being on the FODMAP diet. From flying internationally, a road trip, a quick weekend trip or traveling abroad, I break down all of my tips and tricks. For me, it’s all about preparation before leaving town. These are some of my favorites to pack with me.
Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars
Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
Justin’s Peanut Butter Classic Squeeze
Travel Size Almonds or Walnuts
Gluten Free Pretzels
Airports and airlines are notorious for not having the healthy food options. The last few years I have seen slightly better options available but I always pack something like a FODMAP safe peanut butter & jelly sandwich just in case. You never know when you’ll be stranded with a lack of options and the true definition of HANGRY comes out! Long flights can be tough especially when you don’t have as much control of what food options are ahead of time.
We flew Singapore Airlines and United Airlines on our most recent trip to Spain and I was blown away by how delicious the food was. YES, you read that right, delicious food on an airplane! (Not pictured was this beautiful vegetable salad.) I think my husband was actually jealous of my food choices.
Airplane Tips:
- Call the airline ahead of time, especially for international travel and request gluten free. I also note my garlic and onion allergy but that usually isn’t as easy to accommodate.
- Eat lightly and drink a lot of water on the flight. I never eat all of the food being served as who wants to be overly full on a plane? Not me!
- Take Gas-X – I’m by no means a doctor but I take this a lot of time before flights to help with additional gas that comes from the air pressure.
- Walk around the plane. This helps not only with food digestion but is also good to keep your legs moving. After the end of every movie, I would get up and walk up and down.
Singapore Airline: Dinner – halibut with steamed rice and vegetables
Singapore Airlines: Dessert – fresh bowl of berries & mint
United Airlines: Lunch – fish, rice and vegetables
United Airlines: Appetizer – salad, fruit and gluten free bread
United Airlines: Dinner – grilled vegetables, salad and fruit
It might be a surprise to you but eating low FODMAP is actually a lot easier in Europe than it is for me in Houston. Food is not as processed and substitutions are not a problem but with that said I still pack bags (I mean bags) of snacks to carry on me. I do a TON research before going out of town which includes emailing restaurants to find out if they can accommodate. For me, this takes much of the stress and anxiety out of dining out, especially in a foreign country.
What tips do you have? or food suggestions? I would love to hear what works for you!