Nursing is no joke and man does it take a lot of fuel emotionally and physically. I actually find it ironic that right after giving birth you are expected to nurse this little being. Your body feels completely depleted after hours of labor and delivery but somehow most of us are able to produce enough colostrum to feed our baby. I learned pretty quickly how important it is to re-nourish your body as soon as possible in order to keep up your milk supply. I knew to find FODMAP safe snacks was going to be a priority.
I was lucky that Max latched pretty easily as that can bring on a whole other host of issues but between constant 2.5-3 hour feeds it can be hard to remember to drink water and eat enough food. It is recommended to drink about 13 cups of water and have an additional 400-500 calories while nursing. I’ve gotten the shakes a few times from not eating enough throughout the day and it was pretty scary. As my doula had to remind me: your oxygen mask has to go on first so you can take care of your baby.
As a way to remember to eat and drink water, I now eat a snack/drink water every time I feed so I don’t have hours go by without having something in my system. It can be extra challenging on the FODMAP diet to find snacks or grab and go items to throw in your mouth while you have maybe one free hand! Am I right, ladies?!
Here is my list of FODMAP snacks that have been working for me:
- Individual Sized Trail Mix (my favorite combo is a handful of Chex cereal, almonds and dark chocolate chips)
- Lactation Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Green Valley Yogurt with 1/4 cup strawberries and FODMAP safe cereal
- FODMAP Safe Cereal and FODMAP Safe Milk
- Peanut Butter Energy Balls
- 88 Acres Granola Bars & Nature Valley Granola Bars
- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
Other Non-Food Related Recommendations:
The First Forty Days: The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother
Article on breastfeeding from the ladies of FODMAP EveryDay
Collagen Supplement – I take this every morning with juice.
Acupuncture – this has been something I’ve been doing since trying to get pregnant. I recently went back after having a baby and noticed a huge increase in my milk supply after going.
Nourishing myself and taking care of the baby.
What have you found that works for you during those long feedings? I would love to hear!