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Pregnancy & IBS

Pregnancy & IBS

What better words to put together than pregnancy and IBS!? HA! April is IBS Awareness Month and I find it a perfect time to remind others just how debilitating IBS can be for someone that suffers from it. If you suffer from IBS or other chronic gut related issues, you know how much it can effect your life in so many ways. It can take a toll on you physically but also emotionally and socially. I personally missed out on so many dinners and events because I was stuck in the fetal position in pain.

IBS Awareness Month
IBS Awareness Month

When I found out we were pregnant, I was really hoping to be a magical unicorn flying through pregnancy with grace and ease. Let me be the FIRST to say, that was NOT ME! I read multiple accounts of women who normally suffer from typical IBS issues and felt awesome during pregnancy. So many stories from women sharing that they were able to eat foods that were normally troublesome for them but while pregnant had no issues. These former IBS suffers were now magical unicorns in my eyes as my IBS symptoms did not get better but actually much worse (insert crying face here). My OBGYN was even surprised by my gut issues as he said most women feel better due to the change of hormones from pregnancy.

Magical Unicorn
Magical Unicorn

I was well aware that morning sickness can be par for the course with first trimester pregnancy which I definitely had but what I was not prepared for were my old IBS symptoms coming back. One of the main reasons I got on the FODMAP diet was due to my issues with trapped air. I was able to keep this at bay through maintaining a moderate FODMAP diet and staying active through walking and yoga. Near the end of my first trimester, the trapped air came back with a vengeance. I can best describe the trapped air as feeling like a trapped hiccup or burp that never releases. I may be one of the few people out there that cannot burp which might sound funny but it’s extremely painful! I have even tried googling “how to burp” but to no avail.

A few things that help with my trapped air during pregnancy:

  • Doctor approved prescription strength Nexium
  • Being burped by my hubby (He will be a master at this skill when the baby arrives)
  • Lying on my side
  • Hanging from a handle bar (my doula suggested this and it really works)
  • Pre-natal yoga
  • TRYING to keep my stress levels low
  • Eating only cooked fruits and vegetables
  • Reducing my fiber intake
Hanging from Handrail
Hanging from Handrail

Does any of this resonate with you OR were you a lucky unicorn floating through pregnancy? I would love to hear! xoxo

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