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air fryer potatoes

    All Fodmap Recipes/ Featured/ Fodmap Side Dishes

    Air Fryer Roasted Potatoes

    Air fryer potatoes make for a low FODMAP side

    I haven’t hidden my love of the air fryer with anyone because I truly think its one of the most efficient kitchen purchases you can make.  Don’t get me started on all the reasons I love mine but in my humble opinion it truly cooks food in the most consistent way.  My only complaint is that I wish mine was bigger as sometimes I have to cook in batches.  The good news is that there are bigger versions available (hint, hint).  I make everything from main dishes to sides like these air fryer roasted potatoes.  These are one of the easiest low FODMAP side dishes to throw together with very few ingredients. The best part is this low FODMAP side is perfect for little kids and big kids alike. Continue to Recipe