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baking essentials

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    Baking Fodmap Essentials

    Baking Essentials

    My husband and I just bought our first house (is this what being an adult is really like??!) and throughout the process of packing, I have realized what I can and cannot live without for cooking & baking.  When you break it down, I don’t really need 10 types of sugars and flours.  Of course it’s fun to experiment and try out the teft, buckwheat, rice flours of the world but if I was living on a Fodmap desert island I would pack the following essentials:

    • Ground Oats
    • Chia Seeds
    • Cinnamon
    • Coconut Flour
    • Vanilla Extract
    • Baking Powder
    • Maple Syrup
    • Coconut Oil

    What would you add to this list?! Share your ideas with me! Continue to Recipe