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    Chocolate Chip Buckwheat Pancakes

    FODMAP breakfast - Buckwheat chocolate chip pancakes

    I have a weakness for chocolate chip pancakes ever since being a little girl and convincing my parents to let me order the “funny face” pancake at IHOP.   It’s funny what memories I have associated with these chocolate-y pancakes.  I remember in high school sneaking out of the house with my girlfriend in the middle of the night because the guy she liked wanted to pick us up and take us to ihop….and guess what we all ordered?!  The FUNNY FACE! (sorry Mom & Dad!)  There is no way I could eat this pancake now without a MAJOR stomachache but that doesn’t mean I can’t find a healthier alternative, right?!?  The best part is that this FODMAP breakfast is completely safe on the FODMAP diet. Continue to Recipe