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    Gluten Free Scones

    IBS breakfast recipes  - Gluten-free scones

    For some silly reason I was intimidated to bake scones from scratch.  It didn’t help that my first attempt was a HUGE fail.  The scones looked the part, but the consistency was too dense.  The second time was the charm and I got the perfect texture and density.  I couldn’t believe I actually did it!  These would be perfect to have as part of your IBS breakfast recipes, high tea or dessert!

    While making these delicious biscuit-like pastries I realized I had no idea where they came from.  My guess was England but they actually originated in Scotland in the early 1500s.  The popularity of taking tea did begin in England when Anna, Duchess of Bedford, wanted scones to accompany her daily afternoon tea.  This is where “afternoon tea time” comes from and is still a tradition held today in Britain.  Traditionally scones are eaten with clotted cream but my favorite way is with a not too sweet strawberry jam. Continue to Recipe