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    All Fodmap Recipes/ Featured/ Fodmap Desserts

    Maple & Cinnamon Bundt Cake with a Maple Glaze

    low FODMAP dessert Maple cinnamon bundt cake

    I am always looking for a low FODMAP dessert to make while entertaining guests that goes perfectly with coffee and tea.  I haven’t been able to nail down a bundt cake recipe that I liked until now and I am so excited to share!  This recipe is multi functional for me as it’s not only a great coffee cake type of dessert but also perfect during the high holidays.  If you’re wondering what the high holidays are, let me take a pause and explain…

    According to Chabad, the High Holidays are a blend of joy and solemnity, feasting and fasting, prayer and inspiration make up the spiritually charged head of the Jewish year.   Rosh Hashanah is specifically about celebrating the head of the new Jewish year. It is traditional to dip apples into honey to welcome a sweet new year.  Well for us FODMAPPERs that is welcoming a stomachache and discomfort!  This cake is still sweet with using maple syrup instead of honey and avoiding apples. Continue to Recipe