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chicken recipes

    All Fodmap Recipes/ Featured/ Fodmap Dinner Recipes

    Gluten-Free Chicken Schnitzel

    low FODMAP diet recipes - gluten- free chicken schnitzel

    Are you wondering what the heck schnitzel is?  Besides being a super weird sounding word originating in Austria, it’s a way of cooking thinly sliced meat (usually chicken, veal, turkey & pork) which has been breaded and than fried.   My version is more of the Israeli version as I use paprika and bread crumbs.  In Israel you can find schnitzel inside a pita with hummus, salad and french fries.  When I went to Israel in college, we definitely had some of the best schnitzel and falafel from the street.  I tend to stay away from fried foods but every once in a while it’s okay to splurge and add to your low FODMAP diet recipes. Continue to Recipe