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    Gluten Free Funfetti Cupcakes

    FODMAP diet desserts Funfetti Cupcakes

    cannot believe “Fit Fab Fodmap” is three years old today.  To celebrate I’m creating what I love most… FODMAP diet desserts! It’s wild to think that only three years ago, I decided to just do it and take a leap of faith.  I didn’t tell anyone, not my husband, parents, or best friends what I was up to mainly because I was afraid the more I talked about it, the less action I would do.  So what did I do? I bought a domain name, set up WordPress, found someone on Fiverr (a freelance service for web design, graphics, etc) and the rest is history.  After years of being a die hard blog reader, I wanted to be on the other end creating content for an extremely small FODMAP community at the time.  I knew that if I was going to make a huge change to my health and diet, I wanted to chronicle what I was already doing which was cooking and baking FODMAP safe recipes. Continue to Recipe