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    Deviled Eggs

    6 deviled eggs on a vintage plate

    Deviled eggs have become such a comfort food for me, especially during the spring and summer months.  There is nothing more refreshing than a cold deviled egg to pop into your mouth.  Deviled eggs are incredibly easy to make, affordable and FODMAP safe which is one of the best combinations!  Not only is it a FODMAP appetizer to make at home but it’s usually a safe bet to order out when on a restaurant menu.

    My curiosity got the best of me when I was making these last week when I was trying to figure out where the term “deviled” comes from.  Luckily for me, Google can answer most if not all of my questions.  According to, deviled eggs can be traced back all the way to ancient Rome.  These eggs were served at the beginning of a meal for the wealthy.  In the 13th century in what is now Spain, stuffed eggs were first found in a cookbook.  It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that stuffed eggs showed up in the United States.  All of this is great information, but where did the term “deviled” come from?  The first known print of this reference was in Great Britain in 1786 referencing a dish using spicy ingredients.  This is a great food for thought you can show off at your next party!  I know I will be. 😉 Continue to Recipe