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    Papaya Oat Muffins

    FODMAP muffin recipe - Papaya Oat Muffins

    I have a confession to make, I hadn’t tried papaya/pawpaw until a few months ago and man do I feel like I have been missing out!  The taste is similar to melon but not quite as sweet and much softer.  This large, seeded fruit is native to Central America and southern Mexico but is actually grown the most in India.  It is a great fruit to eat by itself, add to smoothies, baked goods (FODMAP muffin recipes anyone?!) and even in savory recipes.  

    Funny story, my mother in law one day brought over a large papaya to help with my sweet nieces’ constipation problems.  She had read it helps with digestive issues and Emma immediately turned her nose to it when she tried it.  We all took a turn and had the same reaction.  I later learned that unless the papaya is super ripe, it doesn’t have a great taste to it.  The best way to know if a papaya is ready is by the color (should change from green to yellow) and should be soft.  Good thing I was willing to try it again! Continue to Recipe