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FODMAP diet chicken recipes

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    Olivieh Salad aka Persian Chicken Salad

    FODMAP chicken recipes - Olivieh chicken salad aka persian chicken salad - FODMAP chicken recipes

    Let me start off by saying that I LOVE Persian food…there is nothing like a delicious spread made by a Persian momma.  I am lucky that one of my girlfriends’ has invited us over for dinner on and off since high school for Sunday dinner at her parents house.  There have been many instances where I have cancelled dinner plans with my parents to go to hers.  Not only do we leave feeling full and happy but always with leftovers to last for days!  There is something about Persian rice that does something to my soul.  Also, if you’ve never had tahdig, you are missing out!  It is buttery and delicious, trust me!  The first time I had this Persian chicken salad I was skeptical because it looked heavily dressed in mayonnaise.  It is actually quite light and packed with different textures and flavors from the pickles, peas and potatoes.  This might sound like a strange combination but trust me, it’s GOOD!  This is high up in my collection of FODMAP chicken recipes. Continue to Recipe