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    Israeli Salad

    FODMAP salad recipes - Israeli Salad

    My brother and sister in law are currently in Israel and I am so jealous of all of the delicious foods they are eating. It’s bringing back all of these wonderful memories from my one and only trip to Israel. One of the most well-known national dishes is the Israeli salad which is composed of a finely chopped up salad of cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, and raw onions. Obviously, the raw onion is a hard no for someone on the low FODMAP diet so I decided to make my own FODMAP salad version without the onions. I have to say, I think it’s much better and there is no gross raw onion breath to contend with. I have been known to pop a breath mint in someone’s mouth who just ate a mouthful of raw onion. I just can’t take it! #sorrynotsorry Continue to Recipe