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fodmap light bite recipes

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    Salmon Salad Sandwich

    FODMAP light bite recipes - salmon sandwich

    I don’t know about you but FODMAP light bite recipes like lunch can be hard to create in a snap but with a little creativity, it can come easily!  Let me first start off by saying I have a really strong aversion to the smell of canned tuna fish.  I can track it a mile away and the absolute worst is when you can smell it on someones’ breath.  EW!  This wild salmon sandwich is as close as I’ll get to actually eating tuna fish.

    My best friend, Jodi, and I lived together freshman year of college and also 2 years after college.  I had only ONE rule….no canned tuna fish in the house and especially NOT left in the trash can.  Jodi worked from home at the time and one day when I came home from work I found the tuna fish evidence in the trash can…oh you better believe I laid down the law! Actually, that didn’t happen at all but I made a lot of non-serious threats about evicting her.  I cannot wait to see her reaction when she sees this recipe…. #I’mgrowingup #sayitain’tso Continue to Recipe