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FODMAP safe side dish

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    Low FODMAP Green Bean Casserole

    FODMAP safe side dish - Green Bean Casserole

    I feel like I say this every single holiday season but seriously this time: WHERE DID THE TIME GO!!!?!?!  I still haven’t come up for air from having my baby but when I think of what’s to come in the next few weeks, I need to get cooking!  I have never ever been a fan of casseroles.  There is something about having a ton of different ingredients thrown together that throws me off.  Green bean casseroles are a staple on most holiday menus so I wanted to make a FODMAP safe side dish version that I would actually enjoy.  This meant starting with fresh green beans instead of canned and also eliminating mushrooms as I’m not a big fan.  I don’t know what it is but I cannot do canned green beans at any capacity! Instead of using the traditional crunchy onions, I swapped out with homemade croutons.  I don’t want to brag but this FODMAP safe side dish is pretty dang good even for a casserole hater like me!  Continue to Recipe