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gluten free mandel bread

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    Orange & Chocolate Chip Mandel Bread

    FODMAP safe Passover recipes - Passover Safe Chocolate & Orange Mandel Bread

    If you were to ask me, mandelbrot or mandel bread, a popular Jewish cookie, is one of the most underrated desserts out there. It can be compared to an Italian biscotti cookie and is traditionally twice baked, once in log form and second sliced. Once you have the basic recipe down, you can add whatever you want to the dough like dried fruit, nuts, chocolate, etc.
    These cookies are also traditionally made during Passover as you can use Kosher for Passover flours to make it with. Luckily, almond flour is also acceptable to use during this time which is why I have included them in my FODMAP safe Passover recipes round up! Continue to Recipe