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    Fall Harvest Salad

    Fall Harvest Salad - fodmap side dish

    I have a confession to make, I love all things seasonal but even more so if it’s for fall.  From pumpkins to pumpkin spice, to squash, there are no limits to my obsession.  I can’t go into Home Goods or Tjmaxx without buying something fall related and I know I’m not the only one.  I blame that everything is $9.99 and under and a total trap but that’s beside the point.  I love incorporating squash into my recipes but keep in mind in order to stay in FODMAP safe levels you want to stick to 1/4 cup portion.  If you are able to tolerate 1/4 cup portion you can increase to 1/2 cup portion.   I put together some of my most favorite foods to make this delicious and easy to make this fodmap side dish.  Don’t worry if you don’t have all the ingredients as you can substitute based on what you have in your refrigerator. Plus if you have the squash and chickpeas already roasted, you just combine the remaining ingredients creating a very tasty harvest salad.  The salad only gets better the next day so feel free to make this a day ahead.  Easy peasy!  This is one of my favorite recipes to bring to Thanksgiving as it’s healthier and lighter than traditional Thanksgiving dishes. Continue to Recipe