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ivf story

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    The IVF Process – what they don’t tell you…

    Mollie resting after Progesterone Shot Recovery

    I decided to stay off of the internet when it came to learning about the IVF process as there is a ton of information out there.  It’s also hard to filter out the stories when you’re in the midst of it and not get emotional.  Instead, I relied on my nurses, my husband’s research and really trying my best to go with the flow…

    I think the biggest misconception at least for me was the span of time from start to finish.  I thought the process leading up to the egg retrieval and embryo transfer would all be completed within the same month.  I was SO off as it’s a much longer process (especially if you do a frozen embryo transfer).  You know what’s NOT annoying?  When people comment about how quickly it seems to go…my response in my head is “you go through it and tell me how quick it feels.” HA! Continue to Recipe