Some could say I’m going through a “nesting” period or others could say I’m trying to manage my anxiety of this HUGE life changing event of having a baby. Baking has always been a therapeutic for me and one of my favorite things to bake are FODMAP safe cookies. I keep reading about lactation teas, cookies, brownies, smoothies, etc that are supposed to be helpful with boosting milk supply. I wanted to find recipes for FODMAP safe cookies and since I was unable to fully confirm if Brewer’s yeast was safe, I went without it. The oats and flaxseed used in this recipe are both important ingredients for different reasons. The oats are high in fiber, iron, protein and complex carbohydrates. The flaxseed has good fats and enzymes which helps increase the content of breast milk. Don’t worry a normal person can eat these cookies without lactating but it has the extra boost of ingredients to help promote a fuller milk supply for the mom. YAY!