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    Mixed Berry Fruit Leather Roll Ups

    Mixed Berry Fruit Leathers on a parchment lined sheet.

    I find it super ironic the healthy lifestyle I have embraced as an adult because I grew up in a household of total junk food.  I’m talking about fruit roll-ups, sugary cereals, Swiss cake rolls, pop tarts, soft drinks, the works!   Our house was the one that all my friends would want to hang out at and I don’t think it was just for my company…we had all the good (or not so good) stuff in the pantry that my friends weren’t allowed to eat at their house.  Maybe my parents were on to something, let your children have the freedom to eat whatever they want so later in life they will want to eat healthily…?  I’m not sure what advice book that came from but it worked on two out of the three of us kids.  Funny enough now when I go to my parent’s house now, I see most of the same junk food in their pantry.  They still seem to try and blame their grown kids but I’ve caught on to their act!  Lucky for them, these grown-up fruit leathers are low FODMAP foods and a super delicious treat! Continue to Recipe