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    Baked Salmon

    low FODMAP foods - Baked Salmon

    I’ve been trying to incorporate more fish into our diet during the week as much research recommends consuming fish twice a week.  One of the major reasons for this is the multitude of benefits to the heart and blood vessels.  Who doesn’t want to do something proactive for their health at the same time eating a delicious meal?  Salmon is one of my favorite easy low FODMAP foods to add to my dinner routine.

    I know there are some fears on how to prepare fish but the beauty is it really is so simple and quick.  When you have a good piece of seafood there is little that needs to be done to it.  For example, this may be one of the easiest salmon recipes that I make on a routine basis.  All you need is a little olive oil, lemon, salt & pepper, and honey and you’re set for a quick weeknight dinner or even to serve at a large dinner party. Continue to Recipe