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low fodmap pickle recipe

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    Pickled Cucumbers

    FODMAP safe vegetables - Pickled Cucumbers

    I never believed the craving that women have for pickles while pregnant (let me preface by saying I still do not understand the pickles and ice cream craving) was true but it REALLY is! The saltiness and tartness of pickles are so satisfying. So if it’s not the pickles you are craving, it could be the salty chips or french fries that are calling your name. It is so wild to me how your body reacts to pregnancy when it comes to food aversions and cravings. I have never really cared about chips or pickles for example but eating them has been so satisfying. Foods that I always love like cookies and chocolate, I couldn’t look at for a good 5-6 months. All I can say is pregnancy throws your body for a loop in every way possible! Cucumbers are also a great low FODMAP vegetable choice as a low FODMAP serving size is 1/2 cup. Continue to Recipe