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    Gluten Free & Vegan Banana Pancakes

    breakfast recipes IBS - Low FODMAP Banana Pancakes

    It’s a rare treat for me to have a lazy weekend morning to have the time to make breakfast that isn’t me quickly shoving something in my face.  I’m usually running out the door to take a yoga class or meet a girlfriend.  It makes it so much more special when I’m able to make pancakes that are not only delicious but an breakfast recipes IBS that won’t hurt my stomach.

    Pancakes can sound super decadent but these are definitely on the healthier side by using ingredients like bananas (be careful of FODMAP size portion), chia seeds and coconut milk.  Can you believe these are gluten-free AND vegan?  The best part about these pancakes is that I’ll make a bunch and eat them throughout the week for breakfast with peanut butter slathered on top.  Protein people! Continue to Recipe