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    Super Nachos

    FODMAP Appetizers - Super Nachos

    The Superbowl is in Houston in just a few weeks and the excitement is in the air!  I’m most excited to show off our city to thousands (or more) people who come to town for not only the weekend of the game but for the week of events.  I remember when the game was here years ago and we would drive around Houston looking for celebrities.  Not much has changed as I’m sure I’ll be doing the same this year.  I mean come on guys, Beyonce HAS to come to her hometown for the Superbowl!!  Okay but back to the game….and everything food wise that goes along with it.  Most Superbowl parties are heavy with dips, chips, chicken wings, pizza, the works.  I came up with Superbowl FODMAP Appetizers that I dare say is healthified too!  Your friends won’t even notice the hidden veggies and legumes packed into this plate of deliciousness. Continue to Recipe