I give all the credit to my husband who found Riki through an online sleep forum where he was searching for sleep training help. We were both incredibly sleep-deprived around the 5-month mark and teetering back and forth whether to sleep train. My approach to getting Max to sleep was literally giving him a boob and praying he’d go back down after 20 minutes. Let me tell you, this does not work long term and at this point, we knew he wasn’t hungry. We were emotionally and physically exhausted, both working full time and knew changes needed to be made to our routine. In order to get Max to sleep we would swaddle him tightly, sing, pacify, and rock while walking for a minimum of 20-30 minutes at a time. Once he was asleep we would carefully put him into the crib as if he was a bomb. This was for all his naps and bedtime. It was incredibly challenging and frustrating especially when it would take 30 minutes to get him down for a 30-minute nap. {Insert the Sleep Maven here}
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