Have you ever had shishito peppers? These little guys are the Japanese cousin to Spain’s Padron peppers and are full of high anti-inflammatory properties. I’ve recently become hooked as they make for great FODMAP snacks or even as a quick appetizer to serve to a crowd. I have bought them at regular grocery stores like Trader Joes, Sprouts and HEB so they are becoming much more mainstream and easier to find. I’ve also seen these peppers pop up on a multitude of restaurant menus which is a great appetizer dish to order for us FODMAPPERS.
February 23, 2019 -
September 5, 2018 -
August 12, 2018 -
March 24, 2018 -
November 5, 2017 -
January 23, 2017 -
January 4, 2017 -
December 14, 2016 -
November 29, 2016 -
October 18, 2016 -
All Fodmap Recipes/ Featured/ Fodmap Beverages/ fodmap breakfast recipes/ Fodmap SnacksSeptember 23, 2016
Green Smoothie Popsicles
August 31, 2016 -
August 17, 2016 -
All Fodmap Recipes/ Featured/ Fodmap Dinner Recipes/ Fodmap Side Dishes/ SaladApril 14, 2016
Lightened Up Traditional Carrot Salad