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    Parsnip & Potato Latkes (vegan & gluten free)

    Low FODMAP side - parsnip & potato latkes

    Almost all Jewish holidays center around food and Hanukkah is no different.  The smell of oil and potato pancakes being pan-fried during Hanukkah not only brings family and friends together but has an even bigger significant message.  The Maccabees needed eight days of sacramental oil but only had enough for one day’s worth.  The oil miraculously lasted the entire eight days hence why Hanukkah became known as the “Festival of Lights.”  This is also why Hanukkah is celebrated by eating foods fried in oil like latkes and fried doughnuts.   To me, it’s more about the process of making the latkes which usually involves the entire family is in the kitchen.  Last Hanukkah my brother and sister in law were in town and we made a huge feast with the entire family.  You can read even more about other Jewish holidays and food traditions here.  I especially love being able to cook Jewish classics like latkes but with a healthier twist.  Not only are these low FODMAP foods safe but they are 100% vegan and gluten-free.  What are some of your favorite holiday meals to make? Continue to Recipe