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    Russian Gluten Free Potato Pierogies

    IBS friendly recipes -potato pierogies on a white platter

    I am lucky to have such a special mother in law (MIL) who not only has amazing fashion taste but also loves to cook and entertain.  Now that we have a home where entertaining is much easier I have learned so much from Rita on the way she entertains and prepares a menu with such ease and grace.  I wanted to learn her go-to recipes that she has perfected over the years.  This is now high up on my IBS friendly recipes.

    What I did learn right off the bat is that Rita is old school in the kitchen.  She doesn’t rely on recipes, measurements, or even timers but instead uses all her senses to know timing, seasoning, and portions.  The hardest part about cooking with her was trying to nail down recipe instructions and measurements. Continue to Recipe