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salad recipes

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    Chinese Chicken Salad with Peanut Sauce

    FODMAP salad + Chinese Chicken Salad with Peanut Sauce

    I am obsessed with this Chinese chicken salad from a local restaurant in Houston called Barnaby’s.  My staple order is this salad and a side of french fries (to split of course) as an appetizer.  The salad is not a traditional Chinese chicken salad with the mandarin oranges, peanuts, and cabbage which is why I think I like it so much.  To be completely honest, the only characteristics to a more traditional salad would be the peanut sauce.  It can be nerve wrecking to order a salad and be concerned with the dressing and all of the salad ingredients which is why I wanted to create my own FODMAP salad version!  My husband isn’t a huge fan of peanut sauce so he ate this salad dressing with Fody salad dressing and was happy as can be! Continue to Recipe