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    All Fodmap Recipes/ Featured/ Fodmap Desserts/ Fodmap Snacks

    Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies

    desserts FODMAP diet - Dark chocolate chip oat cookies

    I have a few childhood baking experiences that really stick out in my mind.  One of them being after an episode of Sesame Street where the Cookie Monster was baking chocolate chip cookies.  I decided I could do the same and would able to wing it without a recipe.  The cookies came out of the oven completely spread out and pancake thin.  It was so upsetting at the time as I couldn’t understand why they didn’t look the exact same as what was on TV.  I learned a major lesson that day about the difference between of cooking and baking.  Measurements really DO matter when it comes to baking!  If you are looking for delicious desserts on the FODMAP diet, this is your cookie recipe! Continue to Recipe