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tenera grains

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    Chocolate Teff Loaf

    Chocolate Teff Bread

    I think by now you know that I love chocolate and I love good bread so pairing the two is a no brainer.  The best part of discovering new products and in this case flours is learning the origins of where your food comes from.  This was the exact case with Claire, an awesome lady who sent me her family’s teff flour and this delicious chocolate loaf recipe.  Claire’s family has been in the farming industry for over seven generations and after learning about how teff was grown decided to start growing it on their farm.  The teff flour produced at their Michigan farm is unlike any other that I have tried. There are so many health benefits to teff as well. It is a naturally great gluten-free alternative that is high in protein, calcium, and iron. You won’t feel nearly as bad about eating this delicious chocolate bread after you read that. Continue to Recipe