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tomato basil

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    Tomato Basil Soup

    fodmap soup recipes - tomato basil soup
    fodmap soup recipes

    Tomato Basil Soup Ingredients

    I immediately associate La Madeline’s creamy and delicious tomato soup (and the fresh bread that accompanies it) when I think of tomato soup.  Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure their soup is far from low fodmap and also not terribly healthy.  My FODMAP soup recipes are just as yummy though!

    This version is stupidly easy to make and is filled with so much flavor.  Make sure you buy quality crushed tomatoes as it makes such a difference!

    Not only should you feel good about making this super easy recipe but did you know how many health benefits there are from consuming tomatoes!?!  Just to list a few courtesy of WebMD: Continue to Recipe