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    Manchester, U.K. Travel Guide

    FODMAP travel - Chinatown in Manchester

    Manchester, United Kingdom was not part of the original travel plans when my hubby and I decided to go travel around Spain.  We take layovers depending where the travel points take us which is what brought us to Manchester.  (*let me know if anyone is interested in my husband doing a post all about travel points*)  We had a jet lagged but busy 36 hour layover in this industrial city where we did a ton of exploring.  I was shocked by all the allergy friendly options available in all of the cafes.  Milk choices were much more than the typical soy and regular cows milk that we have in the U.S. Instead there were a plethora of options like homemade oat, coconut, soy and almond milk.  A FODMAP travel dream! Continue to Recipe