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    Acupuncture & IVF

    Interview with Dr. Sadhna Singh - Eastern Harmony Acupuncture - picture of Dr. Sadhna and I

    Interview with Dr. Sadhna Singh 

    Eastern Harmony Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic

    I know it sounds strange to voluntarily have more needles stuck in you especially while going through fertility treatments but after reading all the positive benefits of acupuncture it was a no-brainer for me.

    Every single person I asked for a reference for an acupuncture clinic in Houston told me to see Dr. Sadhna Singh with Eastern Harmony Acupuncture.  I could understand why as soon as I met her. Dr. Singh has a sweet disposition and calming way that put me right at ease (this is not an easy feat especially when you’re talking about fertility). Continue to Recipe