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    Baked Zucchini Chips

    FODMAP vegetable - Zucchini chips in a white bowl

    Looking to make a FODMAP vegetable that will be a hit for all ages?  These baked zucchini chips are it!  I mean who can say no to chips?!  The key to this recipe is baking low and slow for at least two hours which makes this a perfect recipe for a lazy Sunday afternoon.  I recommend using a mandaline to get evenly sliced chips but be EXTREMELY careful.  I learned this the hard way when  making potato chips and didn’t use the safety holder included with the mandaline.  Lesson learned the hard way when I sliced off the tip of my finger.  The pain lasted for weeks and my poor finger has never been the same.  Lucky for me it’s now a forever reminder to use a safety holder. Continue to Recipe